Key Performance Indicators: the Tried, the True, and the New

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM   iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

Key Performance Indicators: the Tried, the True, and the New focuses on the evolution of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in healthcare as they relate to ongoing strategic and performance improvement goals. During the webinar, ATLIUS CEO Stephanie Dorwart will detail the correlation between KPIs and daily operations, highlighting the impact that greater department-level efficiencies can have on global success.

Learning Objectives

Attendees that join this session will:

  • Describe Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in health care, how KPIs are derived, and current trends
  • Recognize what an impactful range of performance means for various Workforce optimization-focused KPIs across different size facilities in Pennsylvania and their neighboring states
  • Apply KPIs to performance improvement solutions within their organizations and establish accountability for meeting related objectives
